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Abstract Submission Deadline 30 January 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 30 May 2023

Mathematical modelling has been extensively used to explore complex biological systems in the last decades. It has gained increasing attention in the recent year, due to its successful applications in the study of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Conventional modelling approaches usually focus on one level of description, while living systems are regulated by processes that span from the molecular to the ecosystem level. Integrative modelling techniques allows the combination of discrete, continuous, deterministic and stochastic modelling methods into one framework. Hence, they allow the integration available data and knowledge across multiple scales of biological hierarchy.

Multi-scale and multi-organ modelling approaches bridge the gap between scales and allow the identification of new mechanisms. The development and implementation of integrative modelling approaches would improve our understanding of living systems and provide a tool that assists clinical doctors in developing novel therapeutics.

This article collection aims to present the recent advances in the development of integrative modelling approaches and their applications to problems originating from mathematical biomedicine. Contributions can include the development of integrative modelling approaches, their numerical analysis and efficient computer implementation. Submissions can also present applications of integrative and multi-scale models to problems originating from oncology, immunology, cardiovascular diseases, epidemiology, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD), etc.

The Research Topic is open to submission of Original Research, Hypothesis and Theory, Perspective, Methods, Technology Report, Systematic Review, Review, Mini-Review, Opinion articles. Articles can present original contributions to the numerical analysis of existing multi-scale models or new integrative modelling methods. Research articles can cover the following topics:

- Hybrid discrete-continuous models,
- Numerical analysis of multi-scale models in biomedicine,
- Efficient numerical implementation of multi-scale models,
- Applications of integrative modelling approaches in oncology, immunology, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, etc.
- Multi-organ mathematical modelling,
- Pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics models.

Keywords: hybrid models, multi-scale modelling, numerical analysis, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics models

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Mathematical modelling has been extensively used to explore complex biological systems in the last decades. It has gained increasing attention in the recent year, due to its successful applications in the study of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Conventional modelling approaches usually focus on one level of description, while living systems are regulated by processes that span from the molecular to the ecosystem level. Integrative modelling techniques allows the combination of discrete, continuous, deterministic and stochastic modelling methods into one framework. Hence, they allow the integration available data and knowledge across multiple scales of biological hierarchy.

Multi-scale and multi-organ modelling approaches bridge the gap between scales and allow the identification of new mechanisms. The development and implementation of integrative modelling approaches would improve our understanding of living systems and provide a tool that assists clinical doctors in developing novel therapeutics.

This article collection aims to present the recent advances in the development of integrative modelling approaches and their applications to problems originating from mathematical biomedicine. Contributions can include the development of integrative modelling approaches, their numerical analysis and efficient computer implementation. Submissions can also present applications of integrative and multi-scale models to problems originating from oncology, immunology, cardiovascular diseases, epidemiology, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD), etc.

The Research Topic is open to submission of Original Research, Hypothesis and Theory, Perspective, Methods, Technology Report, Systematic Review, Review, Mini-Review, Opinion articles. Articles can present original contributions to the numerical analysis of existing multi-scale models or new integrative modelling methods. Research articles can cover the following topics:

- Hybrid discrete-continuous models,
- Numerical analysis of multi-scale models in biomedicine,
- Efficient numerical implementation of multi-scale models,
- Applications of integrative modelling approaches in oncology, immunology, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, etc.
- Multi-organ mathematical modelling,
- Pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics models.

Keywords: hybrid models, multi-scale modelling, numerical analysis, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics models

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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