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Abstract Submission Deadline 14 January 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 14 May 2023

Climate change is a significant change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over decades to millions of years. Therefore, the call for countries to address global warming is gaining serious attention and pressure. Many parts of the world suffered the impact of global warming, such as rising water levels and significant variations in rainfall and weather patterns. In addition to an increase in the average global surface temperature, the rising levels of greenhouse gases caused a destabilizing effect on local temperatures and micro-climates, and other natural systems. The increase in the temperature of the oceans may also increase the severity and frequency of both storms and drought, which, along with decreased snowpack, may disrupt natural ecosystems, agriculture, and water supplies. Furthermore, the changes in weather conditions may increase the impact of the hazards, namely flooding, slope failure, damages to roads and pavements, and bearing capacity failure leading to instability of the foundation and building. Consequently, these hazards pose threats to the sustainability of urban living.

This Research Topic aims to minimize the effects of the increase in rainfall and temperature, including carbon emissions, on the geo-environmental system. It can be achieved through a collection of expert studies concerning slope stability, infrastructure system, foundation, construction materials, recycling technologies, building strengthening methods, sensing technology, artificial intelligence (machine learning), building information modeling, and geographical information system.

Potential themes include:
• Utilization of recycled materials, vegetative covers, and other sustainable adaptation measures for slope stabilization and slope preventive measures
• Innovative system for assessment and monitoring of road and pavement conditions, slope stability, and sustainable urban landscape
• Finite element analyses and discrete element method for geohazard modeling under the effect of climatic conditions
• Mitigation and adaption technologies of geohazards
• Urbanization processes affecting the fluvial environment.
• Implementation of fluvial management and green networks for developing sustainable cities.

Keywords: Sustainable, waste materials, slope stability, landslides, geohazard, IoT sensing technology, green networks, finite element analyses, discrete element method, urbanization, fluvial management, urban flood management, building information modeling, geographical information system, artifical inteligence

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Climate change is a significant change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over decades to millions of years. Therefore, the call for countries to address global warming is gaining serious attention and pressure. Many parts of the world suffered the impact of global warming, such as rising water levels and significant variations in rainfall and weather patterns. In addition to an increase in the average global surface temperature, the rising levels of greenhouse gases caused a destabilizing effect on local temperatures and micro-climates, and other natural systems. The increase in the temperature of the oceans may also increase the severity and frequency of both storms and drought, which, along with decreased snowpack, may disrupt natural ecosystems, agriculture, and water supplies. Furthermore, the changes in weather conditions may increase the impact of the hazards, namely flooding, slope failure, damages to roads and pavements, and bearing capacity failure leading to instability of the foundation and building. Consequently, these hazards pose threats to the sustainability of urban living.

This Research Topic aims to minimize the effects of the increase in rainfall and temperature, including carbon emissions, on the geo-environmental system. It can be achieved through a collection of expert studies concerning slope stability, infrastructure system, foundation, construction materials, recycling technologies, building strengthening methods, sensing technology, artificial intelligence (machine learning), building information modeling, and geographical information system.

Potential themes include:
• Utilization of recycled materials, vegetative covers, and other sustainable adaptation measures for slope stabilization and slope preventive measures
• Innovative system for assessment and monitoring of road and pavement conditions, slope stability, and sustainable urban landscape
• Finite element analyses and discrete element method for geohazard modeling under the effect of climatic conditions
• Mitigation and adaption technologies of geohazards
• Urbanization processes affecting the fluvial environment.
• Implementation of fluvial management and green networks for developing sustainable cities.

Keywords: Sustainable, waste materials, slope stability, landslides, geohazard, IoT sensing technology, green networks, finite element analyses, discrete element method, urbanization, fluvial management, urban flood management, building information modeling, geographical information system, artifical inteligence

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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